Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is widely associated with food because it is the beginning of Lent. Now, I'm not usually one to carry on with the Shrove Tuesday thing past my pancakes, but this year I have decided to give it a go.

In the interest of my blog and to increase any chances of becoming a master chef I have decided to give up chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks.

You may ask 'what has this got to do with your cooking blog?' well there is method in my madness because too often I substitute a good meal with a bar of Dairy Milk or a bag of Jelly Beans.

So, fizzy drinks aside, this should lead to me cooking more and consequently needing more lessons - after all I can't live on tomato soup alone.

I'm going to have to be more proactive about my cooking but I am still trying to figure out why I included fizzy drinks?

Oh well, we'll see how long this lasts.


  1. Cooking with milk chocolate and jelly beans can be fun with some interesting meals(desserts) as well.

    Without fizzy drinks as well, I think that there will be a huge loss of sugar in your diet.

  2. I gave up fizzy drinks for the new year, with the exception of going out for dinner (mainly because I go to the Harvester where fizzy is bottomless). You'll be suprised at how little you miss fizzy after a while, now I barely enjoy what used to be that 'mouthwatering' first sip.
